Sunday, December 19, 2010

  In the humid hubris of a caterwaulic eunuch lays the infant, tiling fantasies of infantry commanding thee

  And humbled by the humour of such nanoscopic stupour swings a netherworldly neuter with a catastrophic lethargy

  Surrounding me and pounding free of soundings we may never be
It dith foresee eventually a foundling sapling, suckling free;

  Until the tunes were tutored by the milking maids diluted as such grimace gave to grue us with an untoward whore’s uter.

  And given graven garbage rest some sealant savage seamstress with a nonchalant precedence for an undulating augur

      To transcend the topic’s silent
            salient and quaint recedence for
     an unattractive grievance that
          garrot the grounded gardens gilded glad by gnarled goblins         hanging silt and lead upon them
    quiet, calm and queerly content with a knowledge laden, unspent of the worth of mild malignance.

Offered fresh, undressed and selfless.

For the task asked lacked importance.

      So we threshed the form from content, til she screamed like scented portent, hanging dully dripping aspects lacking facts that locked her hair back into wiry spirals past tense.

  Nevermore to spore the spastics’ driven fiendly fired fanatics wired entwined thus gnashed haptic entry-cause ignored by lapses

     Into warm engulfed happenstance.

Goodluck, glistened gristly grandstand! – by the by, they cry, ampersand.

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